

Researchers at the Technion are answering this question and paving the way to new applications in communication, imaging, and quantum computing. The field of photonic integrated circuits focuses on the miniaturization of photonic elements and their integration in photonic chips – circuits that carry out a range of calculations using..
Assistant Professor Yuval Shagam  from the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry is a member of the Helen Diller Quantum Center. He focuses on understanding molecular chirality: a molecule or ion that cannot be superposed on its mirror image. Such molecules are often distinguished as either “right-handed” or “left-handed.” Molecular chirality plays a central role in many fields, ranging from reaction dynamics to drug development. Molecules of opposite-handedness, known as enantiomers, can have different smells and different medicinal properties among other things.
Prof. Ido Kaminer of the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering won an ERC Consolidator grant from the European Research Council.ERC Consolidator grants support select scientists who propose pioneering, ground-breaking research ideas. The grant will be used by Prof. Kaminer’s research team to develop a theory and innovative experimental platform for a new field in electron microscopy: Q-in-PINEM. The research will focus on creating new quantum states and identifying unique quantum properties for materials.
  “Computers are physical systems, and so are our brains. Therefore, they are subject to physical laws that determine what they can and cannot calculate,” points out Prof. Itai Arad, a theoretical physicist who researches the field of quantum information. He is determined to better understand physical systems by drawing on tools and insights from a variety of disciplines – including condensed matter physics, information theory, computer science and statistical mechanics. Specifically, Prof.
Quantum computers able to perform complicated lightning-speed computations and quantum communication that can transfer quantum information across the world without it getting lost or being eavesdropped on, are hot buzzwords of our imagined future. Scientists from the Department of Physics and the Solid State Institute at the Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology bring that future one step closer to fruition.
Researchers from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and Tel Aviv University have developed an innovative method to engineer quantum entanglement in a crystal by using computational learning tools Quantum optics has proven to be an invaluable resource for the realization of many quantum technologies, such as quantum communication, computing, and cryptography. In the past decade, physics and optics have benefitted greatly from the surge of machine learning-aided research, which has led to novel predictions, experiments, and discoveries.