Philippe Corboz: "Simulations of the 2D Hubbard model with iPEPS"

An infinite projected entangled pair state (iPEPS) is a tensor network ansatz to represent 2D ground states in the thermodynamic limit. Thanks to several methodological advances in recent years, iPEPS has become a powerful tool for the study of 2D strongly correlated systems, in particular models where quantum Monte Carlo fails due to the negative sign problem. In this talk I will report on recent progress in simulating the doped 2D Hubbard model which exhibits a very strong competition between different low-energy states, including a uniform d-wave superconducting state and different types of stripe states. I will show that period-4 stripes, which are typically observed in experiments on the cuprates, get energetically favored at 1/8 doping upon adding a realistic next-nearest neighbor hopping to the model. Finally, I will briefly highlight other recent advances with iPEPS, including the simulation of SU(N) Hubbard models, thermal states, and excitations.
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