Research in Quantum Science and Technology


The Helen Diller Quantum Center is home to five core research areas in Quantum Science and Technology 


Quantum computing

Eric Akkermans, Physics, Statistical mechanics and quantum fields on fractals; Topology of tilings; Quantum phase transitions – Anomalies; Statistical mechanics of out of equilibrium systems; Quantum mesoscopic physics; Cooperative effects and superradiance. Defects in graphene and related materials for quantum computing.

Itai Arad, Physics, Entanglement, Quantum Algorithms, Complexity, Quantum verification, Error corrections.

Yosi Avron, Physics, Quantum computing, quantum information entanglement, Lindblad evolutions, geometry of quantum states, anyons.

Aharon Blank, Chemistry, Develop and apply new magnetic resonance methodologies, both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR).

Eyal Buks, Electrical Eng., Fields of superconducting devices (resonators, Josephson devices and detectors) and nanomechanics, spins in diamond and magnetoptics.

Dudi Gershoni, Physics, Experimental solid state physics. Optical and electronic physical properties of semiconductor systems of lower dimensionality such as quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots and their applications in quantum optics and in quantum information processing. Experimental tools: mainly short-pulse lasers and high spatial resolution, low light level optics.

Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Physics, Superconducting qubits, hybrid qubits, and bosonic qubits in superconducting cavities.

Erez Hasman, Mechanical Eng., Atomic-scale photonics, Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, Spinoptics, Quantum photonics, Quantum materials, Quantum sensing and devices, Low dimensional materials, 2-D materials and devices, Quantum light sources, Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Topological photonics.

Alon Hoffman, Chemistry, Physico-chemical properties of surfaces. Nucleation, growth and properties of diamond films and their surfaces.

Ido Kaminer, Electrical Eng., Light-Matter Interactions, X-ray Sources, Improving Scintillation Process with Nanophotonics, Extreme Nonlinear Quantum Optics.

Amit Keren, Physics, Experimentalist investigating mostly the properties of magnetic and superconducting material.

Anna Keselman, Physics, Topological phases of matter, Frustrated quantum magnetism, Toplogical superconductivity, Entanglement dynamics; Numerical many-body methods, Density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG).

Efrat Lifshitz, Chemistry, Semiconductor nanostructures and dedicated magneto-optical methodologies.

Netanel Lindner, Physics, Many-body systems, topological phases and light-matter interactions & the interface between these physical systems and the theory of quantum information and computation.

Nimrod Moiseyev, Chemistry, Basic formulation of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics (NHQM) with emphasis on chemistry, in particular on resonances.

Tal Mor, Computer Science, Quantum Information Processing (QIP).

Meir Orenstein, Electrical Eng., Short reach optical communications, Ultra fast optics, WDM optical communications, Vertical cavity semiconductor lasers.

Yoav Sagi, Physics, Strongly interacting Fermi gases.

Moti Segev, Physics, Experimental and theoretical projects, within the general area of photonics / lasers / quantum electronics. We are interested in two types of projects: exploring fundamental aspects, with impact on other areas of science (beyond photonics), and profound applications – that can have a real impact on technology.

Yuval Shagam, Chemistry, Trapped molecular ions for quantum technology and tests of fundamental science; Quantum sensing for chiral molecules; Cold quantum ion-neutral chemistry.

Jeff Steinhauer, Physics, Important analogies between ultracold atoms and other areas of physics.

Maytal Toroker, Materials Science, Computational methods and applications to material science, particularly in energy-related areas & Eng.

Ari Turner, Physics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics.


Quantum communication

Eric Akkermans, Physics, Statistical mechanics and quantum fields on fractals; Topology of tilings; Quantum phase transitions – Anomalies; Statistical mechanics of out of equilibrium systems; Quantum mesoscopic physics; Cooperative effects and superradiance. Defects in graphene and related materials for quantum computing.

Aharon Blank, Chemistry, Develop and apply new magnetic resonance methodologies, both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR).

Eyal Buks, Electrical Eng., Fields of superconducting devices (resonators, Josephson devices and detectors) and nanomechanics, spins in diamond and magnetoptics.

Oren Cohen, Physics, Generation & application of circularly-polarized high-order harmonics and attosecond pulses. New approach for ultrahigh-speed imaging. Induction of long-lived optical waveguides in the atmosphere by laser filaments; Optical spatiotemporal pulse train solitons; Algorithmic sparsity-based super-resolution in microscopy, spectroscopy and diagnostics of ultrashort laser pulses.

Gadi Eisenstein, Electrical Eng., Dynamics of semiconductor nano structures; Ultrafast spectroscopy of quantum dot and quantum dash gain media; Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Waveguides; Nonlinear fiber devices; Optically sensitive nonvolatile memories; High sensitivity broad band MIS; photodetectors and optically controlled varactors.

Dudi Gershoni, Physics, Experimental solid state physics. Optical and electronic physical properties of semiconductor systems of lower dimensionality such as quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots and their applications in quantum optics and in quantum information processing. Experimental tools: mainly short-pulse lasers and high spatial resolution, low light level optics.

Ilya Goykhman, Electrical Eng., Nano-Optoelectronics, 2D Materials, Nano-Photonics, Device Physics, Hybrid Technologies.

Erez Hasman, Mechanical Eng., Atomic-scale photonics, Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, Spinoptics, Quantum photonics, Quantum materials, Quantum sensing and devices, Low dimensional materials, 2-D materials and devices, Quantum light sources, Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Topological photonics.

Alex Hayat, Electrical Eng., Quantum & Ultrafast advanced devices.

Yachin Ivry, Materials Science, Controlling the onset of collective-electron phenomena at the nanoscale, mainly in ferroelectricity and superconductivity & Eng.

Ido Kaminer, Electrical Eng., Light-Matter Interactions, X-ray Sources, Improving Scintillation Process with Nanophotonics, Extreme Nonlinear Quantum Optics.

Nimrod Moiseyev, Chemistry, Basic formulation of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics (NHQM) with emphasis on chemistry, in particular on resonances.

Tal Mor, Computer Science, Quantum Information Processing (QIP).

Moshe Nazarathy, Electrical Eng., Advanced optical modulation formats and equalization techniques, MIMO techniques over multimode optical interconnects; Translucent optical networks, links and devices controlling light with light – Optical Computing; Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Communication and Quantum Computing; Integrated, Fiber and Wavepacket Optics, GPS satellite navigation systems.

Meir Orenstein, Electrical Eng., Short reach optical communications, Ultra fast optics, WDM optical communications,Vertical cavity semiconductor lasers.

Michael Revzen, Physics, The Weyl transformation and the quantum state as a function of the phase space coordinates.

Moti Segev, Physics & Experimental solid state physics, Optical and electronic physical properties of semiconductor systems of lower dimensionality such as quantum Electrical Eng. wells, quantum wires and quantum dots and their applications in quantum optics and in quantum information processing. Experimental tools: mainly short-pulse lasers and high spatial resolution, low light level optics.

Jeff Steinhauer, Physics, Important analogies between ultracold atoms and other areas of physics.


Quantum simulation

Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Physics, Analog and digital simulations using superconducting cavities.

Ido Kaminer, Electrical Eng., Light-Matter Interactions, X-ray Sources, Improving Scintillation Process with Nanophotonics, Extreme Nonlinear Quantum Optics.

Nimrod Moiseyev, Chemistry, Basic formulation of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics (NHQM) with emphasis on chemistry, in particular on resonances.

Yoav Sagi, Physics, Strongly interacting Fermi gases.

Avi Schroeder, Chemical Eng., Improving patients’ quality of life and bettering their treatment by developing innovative medical technologies.

Moti Segev, Physics, & Experimental and theoretical projects, within the general area of photonics / lasers / quantum electronics. We are interested in two types of

Electrical Eng. projects: exploring fundamental aspects, with impact on other areas of science (beyond photonics), and profound applications – that can have a

real impact on technology.

Yuval Shagam, Chemistry, Trapped molecular ions for quantum technology and tests of fundamental science; Quantum sensing for chiral molecules; Cold quantum

ion-neutral chemistry.

Jeff Steinhauer, Physics, Important analogies between ultracold atoms and other areas of physics.

Maytal Toroker, Materials, Science Computational methods and applications to material science, particularly in energy-related areas

& Eng.




Quantum materials

Eric Akkermans, Physics, Statistical mechanics and quantum fields on fractals; Topology of tilings; Quantum phase transitions – Anomalies; Statistical mechanics of out of equilibrium systems; Quantum mesoscopic physics; Cooperative effects and superradiance. Defects in graphene and related materials for quantum computing.

Lilac Amirav, Chemistry, Photocatalysis via Quantum Materials.

Assa Auerbach, Physics Strongly, Correlated Electron, Boson, and Spin Systems in Condensed Matter.

Yehonadav Bekenstein, Materials Science, Future Materials Science; Lead-Free Perovskites; Lead-Halide Perovskites; Next Generation Scintillators.

Lev Chuntonov, Chemistry, Multi-dimensional spectroscopy of ultrafast quantum dynamics.

Gadi Eisenstein, Electrical Eng., Dynamics of semiconductor nano structures; Ultrafast spectroscopy of quantum dot and quantum dash gain media; Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Waveguides; Nonlinear fiber devices; Optically sensitive nonvolatile memories; High sensitivity broad band MIS; photodetectors and optically controlled varactors.

Ilya Goykhman, Electrical Eng., Nano-Optoelectronics, 2D Materials, Nano-Photonics, Device Physics, Hybrid Technologies.

Erez Hasman, Mechanical Eng., Atomic-scale photonics, Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, Spinoptics, Quantum photonics, Quantum materials, Quantum sensing and devices, Low dimensional materials, 2-D materials and devices, Quantum light sources, Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Topological photonics.

Alex Hayat, Electrical Eng., Quantum & Ultrafast advanced devices.

Alon Hoffman, Chemistry, Physico-chemical properties of surfaces. Nucleation, growth and properties of diamond films and their surfaces.

Yachin Ivry, Materials Science, Controlling the onset of collective-electron phenomena at the nanoscale, mainly in ferroelectricity and superconductivity.

Ido Kaminer, Electrical Eng., Light-Matter Interactions, X-ray Sources, Improving Scintillation Process with Nanophotonics, Extreme Nonlinear Quantum Optics.

Amit Kanigel, Physics, Low-dimensional materials, Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, Strongly correlated electron systems, Exotic superconductors, Magnetic resonance, Nano-scale phase separation and competing orders in strongly correlated systems.

Anna Keselman, Physics, Topological phases of matter, Frustrated quantum magnetism, Topological superconductivity, Entanglement dynamics; Numerical many-body methods, Density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG).

Elad Koren, Materials Science, Nanoscale Electronic Materials and Devices.

Gad Koren, Physics, High temperature superconductivity, thin films and junctions.

Lior Kornblum, Electrical Eng., Oxide electronics, physics and devices of correlated-electron oxides.

Efrat Lifshitz, Chemistry, Semiconductor nanostructures and dedicated magneto-optical methodologies.

Netanel Lindner, Physics, Many-body systems, topological phases and light-matter interactions & the interface between these physical systems and the theory of quantum information and computation.

Nimrod Moiseyev, Chemistry, Basic formulation of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics (NHQM) with emphasis on chemistry, in particular on resonances.

Daniel Podolsky, Physics, Strongly correlated electronic and atomic systems, that is, systems in which the interaction energy of the constituent particles is comparable to their kinetic energy.

Ari Turner, Physics, Condensed Matter & Materials Physics.

Yuval Yaish, Electrical Eng., NEMS based on CNTs and Graphene ;Electrical properties of CNTs and Graphene; Chemical and biological sensing at the single molecule regime; 3-dimensional structures composed of CNTs and Graphene.


Quantum sensing and devices

Guy Bartal, Electrical Eng., Nonlinear nano-photonics; Topological nano-photonics; Super-resolution microscopy; Optical metamaterial design.

Aharon Blank, Chemistry, Develop and apply new magnetic resonance methodologies, both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron spin resonance (ESR).

Eyal Buks, Electrical Eng., Fields of superconducting devices (resonators, Josephson devices and detectors) and nanomechanics, spins in diamond and magnetoptics.

Lev Chuntonov, Electrical Eng., Multi-dimensional spectroscopy of ultrafast quantum dynamics.

Oren Cohen, Physics, Generation & application of circularly-polarized high-order harmonics and attosecond pulses. New approach for ultrahigh-speed imaging. Induction of long-lived optical waveguides in the atmosphere by laser filaments; Optical spatiotemporal pulse train solitons; Algorithmic sparsity-based super-resolution in microscopy, spectroscopy and diagnostics of ultrashort laser pulses.

Gadi Eisenstein, Electrical Eng., Dynamics of semiconductor nano structures; Ultrafast spectroscopy of quantum dot and quantum dash gain media; Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Waveguides; Nonlinear fiber devices; Optically sensitive nonvolatile memories; High sensitivity broad band MIS; photodetectors and optically controlled varactors.

Ilya Goykhman, Electrical Eng., Nano-Optoelectronics, 2D Materials, Nano-Photonics, Device Physics, Hybrid Technologies.

Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Physics, Josephson magnetic field sensors and Josephson amplifiers.

Erez Hasman, Mechanical Eng., Atomic-scale photonics, Nanophotonics, Metasurfaces, Plasmonics, Spinoptics, Quantum photonics, Quantum materials, Quantum sensing and devices, Low dimensional materials, 2-D materials and devices, Quantum light sources, Quantum Metamaterials and Metasurfaces, Topological photonics.

Alex Hayat, Electrical Eng., Quantum & Ultrafast advanced devices.

Ido Kaminer, Electrical Eng., Light-Matter Interactions, X-ray Sources, Improving Scintillation Process with Nanophotonics, Extreme Nonlinear Quantum Optics.

Elad Koren, Materials Science, Nanoscale Electronic Materials and Devices.

Michael Krueger, Physics, Ultrafast microscopy of quantum dynamics, nano-photonics, light-wave electronics, attosecond physics, many-body quantum physics.

Tal Mor, Computer, Science Quantum Information Processing (QIP).

Meir Orenstein, Electrical Eng., Short reach optical communications, Ultra fast optics, WDM optical communications,Vertical cavity semiconductor lasers.

Yuval Shagam, Chemistry, Trapped molecular ions for quantum technology and tests of fundamental science; Quantum sensing for chiral molecules; Cold quantum ion-neutral chemistry.

Yotam Soreq, Physics, Probing physics beyond the standard model.

Yuval Yaish, Electrical Eng., Low Dimensional Electronics.