Prof. Lev Chuntonov
Office phone:  +972-77-8873946
Office Location:  #312, Chemistry Faculty
Lev Chuntonov
Quantum area: Quantum sensing
Chemistry Faculty
2012 - 2014 Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania
2009 - 2012 Postdoc, Weizmann Institute of Science 
2009  PhD, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology 
2004  BA, Chemistry, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Our main methodology is the state-of-the-art two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy (2D-IR) where we impulsively excite selected vibrational modes of the molecule and track their ultrafast relaxation into different vibrational modes, into the modes of an interacting partner molecule, and dissipation into the solvent. Spreading the spectral information in two dimensions allows to reveal the correlations between molecular motions, and to resolve congested spectra arising from multiple molecular conformations. At the same time, the instrument response of our 2D-IR apparatus is fast enough to resolve different relaxation dynamics of these conformations and their inter-conversion kinetics. Figures below schematically summarize how the four-pulse 2D-IR experiments are conducted.