Selective addressing and readout of optically detected electron spins

04 Jun 2020

Zgadzai, O., Shtirberg, L., Artzi, Y., and Blank, A.

This paper describes a new approach to image defects in a diamond crystal that can potentially be used as quantum bits. We not only localize these defects with high spatial resolution but also enable to address and manipulate specific subset of these defects, a capability of importance for a future quantum computer. The figure shows the experimental setup (left) and two images of the defects, one without selective addressing (center) and the other with selective addressing (right).


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The figure shows the experimental setup with green laser light illuminating the diamond and fiber collects the emitted red fluorescence (left), and two images of the defects, one without selective addressing (center) and the other with selective addressing that rotates only the qubits in the center of the diamond (right).

fig. 1